Forest Health

Grant Opportunities Help Homeowners Offset Land Management Costs

State and Federal grant opportunities are now available to help homeowners offset the cost of fuels reduction, land stewardship, and forest improvement. Explore these programs today to see if you qualify!

YFR Tree & Land Management Now Has a Track Chipper

Check out YFR’s newest acquisition, a Bandit track chipper!  We have decided to name it Homer, after the green hungry hungry hippo (yes, they have names 🤣).

Homer will allow us to process material in areas where a conventional tow-behind chipper cannot access, and also chip material over 20” in diameter. Some exciting features are the track-driven CAT undercarriage and a 173 horsepower John Deere Diesel motor. It also has a hydraulic winch that can pull entire trees right to the feedwheels, saving on labor costs.

℞ Prescribed Fire: Lower Colfax Firewise Community

YFR Tree & Land Management participated in a Lower Colfax Firewise Community (LCFC) prescribed fire. This burn was organized by property owner, Matt Miller, with Registered Professional Forester and prescribed fire, Dario Davidson. Dario is a key member of the Yuba Bear Burn Cooperative, whose mission is to empower private landowners through education to safely and legally practice good fire.