Fire Resilience

YFR Tree & Land Management Now Has a Track Chipper

Check out YFR’s newest acquisition, a Bandit track chipper!  We have decided to name it Homer, after the green hungry hungry hippo (yes, they have names 🤣).

Homer will allow us to process material in areas where a conventional tow-behind chipper cannot access, and also chip material over 20” in diameter. Some exciting features are the track-driven CAT undercarriage and a 173 horsepower John Deere Diesel motor. It also has a hydraulic winch that can pull entire trees right to the feedwheels, saving on labor costs.

℞ Prescribed Fire: Lower Colfax Firewise Community

YFR Tree & Land Management participated in a Lower Colfax Firewise Community (LCFC) prescribed fire. This burn was organized by property owner, Matt Miller, with Registered Professional Forester and prescribed fire, Dario Davidson. Dario is a key member of the Yuba Bear Burn Cooperative, whose mission is to empower private landowners through education to safely and legally practice good fire.