Roadside Vegetation Removal

safeguard your primary route of evacutation and improve access for first responders in the event of a fire.

Did you know that In Nevada County alone there are over 1,800 miles of private roads?

The County of Nevada's Hazardous Vegetation Abatement Ordinance 2463 ensures that defensible space is maintained along along emergency access and evacuation routes. The ordinance states property owners are responsible for the following:

“Maintain a minimum of a ten (10') foot wide strip of land beyond the shoulder of a roadway serving as primary ingress and egress to the parcel, to a height of fifteen (15') feet along the boundary of a Parcel”.

Keep in mind that 10’ is the minimum recommended by Nevada County. Site conditions such as slope, aspect, and vegetation composition often warrant more than 10 feet. Maintaining your portion along a private road is just general good practice and could make the difference between it being safe for firefighters to access your structure or not.

contact YFR for a free consultation if you do not have adequate defensible space along your private roads or driveways.