Tree Care, Tree Pruning and Tree Removal

One of the most common refrains we hear is, “We live here because we love the trees.” Like you, we love living in the Sierra Nevada because of its rich beauty and abundant opportunities for recreation. Did you know that a growing volume of research now shows that immersing oneself in nature boosts mood, physical well being, and improves mental health? A recent article featured by the American Psychological Association called Nurtured by Nature shares the many benefits of being in greenspaces like stress reduction, increased happiness, and even a greater sense of purpose. When you consider the defining characteristics of your property, chances are the trees that offer shade, habitat for wildlife, fruit, and beauty year-round rise to the top of your list. At YFR Tree & Land Management trees are our passion. We want to help care for yours so you can continue enjoying them for years to come.

Why invest in tree care and tree pruning? 

When you invest in tree care and tree pruning, you not only make a down payment toward the aesthetic  value of your property, but you also help prevent tree failure and potential damage. Like all living things, trees require resources in the right amount to thrive. They need ample space, light, water, and care. A tree left to its own devices may suffer irreparable damage due to overgrown limbs or poor structural establishment. Unmaintained trees and vegetation can contribute to fire risk, as well as pose a threat to people and property. Trees need attention. Our qualified arborists can help prevent risk of tree failure brought about by inclement weather through proactive pruning, as well as tree cabling and bracing. California drought and bark beetles have left many trees stressed. This weakness leaves trees more vulnerable to the elements. High winds, significant rain, and heavy snowfall can all lead to extensive property damage. Proactive tree care provided by a professional can help save your trees, money, and time. Regular inspection and proactive maintenance of your trees by an arborist every few years can help you catch disease and decay early. Request your free estimate today!