Offset Land Management Costs at the Mill

How Do I Sell My Timber?

Have you been dreaming about starting a small flower farm or vineyard? Perhaps you’ve been scheming about increasing defensible space while developing greater energy independence with solar? Do you feel overwhelmed by the scale of your densely overgrown forest? We can help bring your projects to fruition and improve the health of your forest. We know tree work can be expensive, especially if you have many large trees to remove. However, we have good news to share that may help offset the cost of your small-scale logging efforts. 

Typically, CAL FIRE enforces the Forest Practice Rules through Timber Harvesting Plans (THP) which specify the method of harvesting and measures to avoid and minimize the potential for adverse environmental impacts. Some small-scale logging operations do not require a full THP, but rather an exemption. We can help you prepare an exemption so your wood can live on in a new capacity as lumber for furniture, decking, fencing, or housing.

YFR Tree & Land Management is a Licensed Timber Operator

As a Licensed Timber Operator, YFR can tackle tree removal projects that: safeguard within 300 feet of structures, reduce fuels to prevent forest fire on up to 300 acres, and clear up to 3-acres to build or create an agricultural site. 

Our team has undergone training by the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) and has been licensed under the Forest Practice Law to safely conduct forest tree cutting and removal operations. Under this license, we comply with all laws relating to timber harvesting and are able to assist landowners with obtaining permits from CAL FIRE to sell logs. This is great news, as having the option to sell merchantable wood to a nearby mill may help cover a portion of your tree work!